Список продуктов

  • Наименование
  • USM-210
    This fanless box PC delivers superior graphics with full HD video for markets.In addition to supporting full HD video,USM-210 offers 4 HDMI interfaces that support quad FHD output at 1080p resolution,one 4K signal display outputs or a 2x2 video wall with one 4K video.
  • USM-260
    USM-260 is an intelligent multi-functional box PC equipped with the 6th generation Intel desktop processor. The system’s compact design and multiple IO interface support to integrate
    in diverse peripherals and various application solutions that targeted at a wide range of applications (eg. Self-service system, POS system, Digital Signage Player, Edge Computing,
    AI and so on)in semi-industrial, retail and hospital markets.
  • UBX-310
    UBX-310, an intelligent, fanless embedded system powered by Intel® low power processor with multiple I/O interface. The new generation Intel® processor brings 300% improvement on processing power and 300% on graphics performance than previous generation Intel® Atom™ processors. These low-power platforms provide energy-efficient and environmentally responsible solutions, and serve applications targeted at factory automation, machine automation,retail, kiosks, and self-service applications

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