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  • Наименование
    Advantech has created SUSI APIs to simplify application development and offer exclusive services with Advantech’s embedded platforms. SUSI APIs make it easier for customers to
    program and configure features while integrating solutions. SUSI APIs provide a series of functions with a modularized design. Customers can easily implement them to fulfill their
    application requirements. For outdoor applications, for example, customers can easily configure hardware monitors, thermal protection settings, system throttling, and brightness levels
    for digital signage players and display control and management interfaces. New platforms can be easily upgraded without effort needing to be expended on redesigning applications.
    SUSI APIs provide an IoT Translator SDK to assist customers with easily integrating their own devices on Advantech embedded platforms. This SDK effectively plays the role of a
    translator, allowing plug-in functions to connect to peripherals and run applications. The full functionality of SUSI APIs provides a building block to accelerate development, enhance
    security, and offer added-on value. Furthermore, SUSI APIs comply with the IoT data communication standards PICMG EAPI and JSON.They also support cross-platform compatibility
    and can thus easily be applied to third-party applications by using the IoT Translator SDK. Simplify your application development and upgrade.

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