Список продуктов

  • Наименование
  • FPM-3121G
    The FPM-3121G is a particularly rugged and reliable 12.1” XGA wide temperature industrial monitor. Equipped with a hard anodized coating, stainless steel chassis, and -20 to 60°C operating temperature, it can satisfy demands in a wide range of harsh industrial applications.
  • FPM-3151G
    The FPM-3151G is a particularly rugged and reliable 15” XGA wide temperature industrial monitor for a variety of industry applications. Equipped with a hard anodized coating, stainless steel chassis, and -20 to 60°C operating temperature, it can satisfy demands in a wide range of harsh industrial applications. This model also features enhanced 5-wire resistive touch and system ground isolation protection to enhance the reliability. FPM-3151G also provides lockable OSD keys on the front panel with two user-defined contrast/brightness settings.
  • FPM-3171G
    17” промышленный плоскопанельный монитор с разрешением SXGA и Direct-VGA портом
  • FPM-3191G
    19” промышленный плоскопанельный монитор с разрешением SXGA и Direct-VGA портом

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