Список продуктов

  • Наименование
    IEEE 802.11ax/ac/a/b/g/n +Bluetooth 5.2 M.2 2230 (A-E Key) Card
    The lightweight and intelligent power management module, protect Panel PC from electrical damage and greatly reduce the risk of losing data. The IPS module serves as temporary power during a short break in power and allows a safe system shutdown. It can be easily to install on din rail or on the back of Panel PC.
    An elegant desktop stand made of aluminum alloy that supports VESA 75/100. This stand allows users to adjust the vertical viewing angle and can be affixed to surfaces using two screws.
  • PPC-ARM-A03
    VESA standard arm for PPC series
  • PPC-174T-WL-MTE
    The PPC-174T-WL-MTE fits all 6" ~ 21.5" PPC products, and is designed using metals. After many thousands of torque tests, this stand ensure that PPCs products won't change
    their position.
    802.11 ac/a/b/g/n + Bluetooth 4.2 M.2 2230 (A-E Key) Card

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