Список продуктов

  • Наименование
  • AMiS-810
    The RFID-based medication bin setting station uses RFID scanning to match each medication bin with the correct medication and patient for automated medication bin management.
  • AMiS-830
    With the exchangeable design of the electronic medication bin, AMiS-830 UD Medication Cart allows the bins to be easily exchanged at the pharmacy. It relieves pressure on medical staffs and improve medication safety.
  • AMiS-850C
    With the individual medication bin locking mechanism, nurses can use the barcode reader to scan patient wristbands and unlock the correct medication bin to ensure medicaiton control and safety.
  • AMiS-850T
    Advantech's AMiS-850T is combined with AiO/computer and application software to provide automated dispensing cabinet solution. Its RFID technology enables individual bin locking and tracking for strict access control, which reduces medication error and relieves pressure on medical professionals.

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