Список продуктов

  • Наименование
  • BB-APMN-Q551
    These access points WiFi enable M2M application devices with wireless access point and serial to Wi-Fi support. Integrated, compact, one-board modules provide advanced security, increased transmit power and receive sensitivity for superior range performance. OEMs can software-configure UART, SPI, Et
  • BB-WLNN-SP-DP551
    BB-WLNNx modules allow OEMs to WiFi enable M2M application devices. RF technology, networking stacks and advanced security in one module reduces integration costs, provides quick time-to-market. Footprint and pin compatible with predecessors; HW and SW compatibility for future-proof migration.
  • BB-WLNN-SE-DP551
    BB-WLNNx modules allow OEMs to WiFi enable M2M application devices. RF technology, networking stacks and advanced security in one module reduces integration costs, provides quick time-to-market. Footprint and pin compatible with predecessors; HW and SW compatibility for future-proof migration.
  • BB-WLNN-ER-DP551
    BB-WLNNx modules allow OEMs to WiFi enable M2M application devices. RF technology, networking stacks and advanced security in one module reduces integration costs, provides quick time-to-market. Footprint and pin compatible with predecessors; HW and SW compatibility for future-proof migration.
  • BB-WLNN-AN-DP551
    BB-WLNNx modules allow OEMs to WiFi enable M2M application devices. RF technology, networking stacks and advanced security in one module reduces integration costs, provides quick time-to-market. Footprint and pin compatible with predecessors; HW and SW compatibility for future-proof migration.
    BB-WLNNx modules allow OEMs to WiFi enable M2M application devices. RF technology, networking stacks and advanced security in one module reduces integration costs, provides quick time-to-market. Footprint and pin compatible with predecessors; HW and SW compatibility for future-proof migration.
    BB-WLNNx modules allow OEMs to WiFi enable M2M application devices. RF technology, networking stacks and advanced security in one module reduces integration costs, provides quick time-to-market. Footprint and pin compatible with predecessors; HW and SW compatibility for future-proof migration.

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